In the suburban neighborhood of Mumbai, a wall separates the haves and the have-nots. Sudhir and Seema, a newly married middle class couple, live a life without hardship while Vishwas, a slum dweller, dreams of dignity for his people. Their lives collide
"Alone" follows a writer seeking peace and solitude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns into a living hell, she soon realizes that her inner demons are not
爱可以无私伟大,也可自私阴狠。性感迷人的艾玛(梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox 饰)拥有几近完美的人生。老公马克帅气多金,足以令艾玛的生活饮食无忧。而在此之外,艾玛还和老公的下属汤姆(阿梅尔·艾米恩 Aml Ameen 饰)发展成情人关系。游走两个男人之间的感觉虽然刺激,却无法长久。终于某一天,艾玛下定决心断掉和汤姆的这段感情。恰逢夫妻俩的结婚纪念日,马克为此精心筹备,极尽浪漫,仿佛一切无比美好。可是一觉醒来,艾玛发现马克用手铐铐住了两个人,并且在她面前自杀。原来她的出轨行为早就被马克发现,加上公司经营不